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A Good Word

A Good Word Podcast

A podcast series offered by

Creatively engaging our audiences with important stories and information can be exciting and rewarding. And even though we may have a pretty good idea of what's on our calendar, experience reminds us that change is likely. As satisfying as it is to meet a challenging deadline, seldom is there time to celebrate. For BCA members across the country and around the world, there is much more to be accomplished before the sun goes down.

For the next few weeks, lifetime members Barbara Denman, Anita Bowden, Floyd Craig and Ron Lawson, will share with us some insights that might just be what we need to hear as our world changes around us, and it's our job to tell the story. Consider this an opportunity to be mentored by the best.

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Winter 2021

Episode 1: Barbara Denman: Pay attention to the basics

Episode 1: Barbara Denman: Pay attention to the basics

Among the benefits of being a part of BCA is the opportunity we have to grow through our relationship with other members. This moment is a perfect reflection of that idea. Barbara Denman has an amazing BCA legacy and a longtime commitment to Florida Baptist communications. As a dedicated professional and friend to many, she has had a powerful impact. In the next few minutes Barbara will share with us some lessons learned during her communication career and also a few things she wishes she had known before starting.

Contributors: Barbara Denman, Lifetime Member, Baptist Communicators Association and Jim Veneman, President, Baptist Communicators Association

Duration: 20:08

Upload Date: Jan. 22, 2021, 8:00 a.m.

Episode 2: Anita Bowden: Stick with who you are

Episode 2: Anita Bowden: Stick with who you are

Like most everyone listening today, Anita Bowden has experienced a lot of change. She went from writing stories by relying on bits of information gathered by others, to going on international trips lasting for weeks. Her responsibilities changed from news writer to writer/editor, then news editor and eventually director of print and editorial departments. Anita is known for asking writers the hard questions and helping them to become better at what they do. Regardless of our specific jobs throughout our BCA membership, Anita's insights will impact the way we do what we do.

Contributors: Anita Bowden, Lifetime Member, Baptist Communicators Association and Jim Veneman, President, Baptist Communicators Association

Duration: 28:03

Upload Date: Jan. 29, 2020, 8:00 a.m.

Episode 3: Floyd Craig: Be consistent amidst change

Episode 3: Floyd Craig: Be consistent amidst change

As a seminary student in the late 1950s, Floyd Craig managed the school's print shop and served as the official seminary photographer. Sixty-plus years and a jam-packed career later, he continues to provide communications counsel through the company he founded in 1981. Equally comfortable with governors, seminary presidents and state convention executive directors, Floyd's reflections on a career that has now touched eight decades will both educate and encourage you to be a more effective communicator.

Contributors: Floyd Craig, Lifetime Member, Baptist Communicators Association and Doug Rogers, President-Elect, Baptist Communicators Association

Duration: 23:30

Upload Date: Feb. 5, 2021, 8:00 a.m.

Episode 4: Ron Lawson: Develop your strategy

Episode 4: Ron Lawson: Develop your strategy

It's one thing to have a vision, but another to move that idea forward into reality. Ron Lawson has had a career-long commitment to electronic media. With a heart for missions and a commitment to the potential of digital media to tell a powerful story, Ron brought about many firsts and introduced a media strategy that would bring stories to Southern Baptist in a whole new way. His encouragement and dedication have had a powerful impact on our convention. Not only will Ron share some amazing memories but also ideas that are as relevant now as ever before.

Contributors: Ron Lawson, Lifetime Member, Baptist Communicators Association, Jim Veneman, President, Baptist Communicators Association and Doug Rogers, President-Elect, Baptist Communicators Association

Duration: 30:05

Upload Date: Feb. 12, 2021, 8:00 a.m.