2022-23 BCA History
- Virtual Board Meetings:
- Summer: July 12, 2022
- 9th Annual Fall Forum: October 27, 2022, Online
- 68th Annual Workshop: April 17-20, 2023, Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina
- 59th Annual Awards Ceremony: April 19, 2023, Mountain Laurel Conference Room, Ridgecrest
- President: Joshua Minatrea, Texas Baptists
- President-Elect: Marilyn Stewart, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
- Past President: Doug Rogers, Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions
- Program Vice President: Amy Whitfield, Summit Church, Raleigh, North Carolina
- Program Vice President-Elect: Ann Lovell, International Mission Board
- Membership Vice President: Meredith Flynn, Freelance Writer
- Professional Development Coordinator: Carol Pipes, Lifeway Christian Resources
- Treasurer: Judy Bates, JSB Business Services
- Communications Vice President: Amanda Smith, First Baptist Church, Montgomery, Ala.
- Awards Chairman: Bethany Franklin, Valley View Baptist Church, Tuscaloosa, Ala.
- Awards Chairman-Elect: Ishmael LaBiosa, Innovative Faith Resources
- Historian: Cam Tracy, Union University
- Executive Director: Margaret Colson
- Arthur S. Davenport Award for Exceptional Achievement in Public Relations:
Communications Team of Arkansas Baptist State Convention for "Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering & Week of Prayer" - Diane Reasoner Award for Exceptional Achievement in Interactive Communications:
Office of University Communications of Union University for "Welcome Week Instagram Post" - M.E. Dodd Award for Exceptional Achievement in Audio-Visual Communications:
Chrystelle Thames of The Baptist Children's Village for "BCV 125th Anniversary - The Beginning" - Fon H. Scofield Award for Exceptional Achievement in Publication Photography:
Max Power of the International Mission Board for "A Togolese woman prays" - Frank Burkhalter Award for Exceptional Achievement in News Writing:
Eric Reed, Ben Jones, Kris Kell, Lisa Misner, Leah Honnen of Illinois Baptist for "Lament, then implement" - Leonard Holloway Award for Exceptional Achievement in Feature Writing:
Kedrick Nettleton of WatersEdge for "Seeing the Kingdom Manifest" - Albert McClellan Award for Exceptional Achievement in Print Media and Design:
Innovative Faith Resources for "BCA 2022 Workshop Booklet"