BCA Fall Forum - Sept. 23, 2021
Our Eighth Annual Fall Forum
Representing communications teams from across the SBC, presenters will talk about a wide range of topics. The format of the forum will be fast-paced, with brief presentations followed by short times of discussion. From life-altering, unexpected moments, to projects that reshaped one's future, topics will come from the presenter's own life and work experiences.
You're invited to join us on the BCA Facebook page Thursday, September 23, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. EST for our 8th Annual BCA Fall Forum. Presenters will be online during and following their presentations to answer questions via Chat. Here’s what’s in store for you:
10:00 a.m. – Welcome
Doug Rogers, BCA President
10:05 a.m. - Session 1
Coverage Collaboration: We’re in This Together
Jennifer Rash, editor-in-chief, The Alabama Baptist
Will Hall, editor, Baptist Message
Whether it be as intense as a disaster zone or as simple as a jam-packed national convention, some coverage opportunities work best as a collaborative effort between media outlets. If those working together as a larger team bring their best effort for the specific role they’ve been assigned, understand the expectations for all involved and communicate clearly, then the result is a much broader coverage opportunity with much less strain on resources. Jennifer Davis Rash and Will Hall discuss his recent experience with coverage collaboration following Hurricane Ida.
10:30 a.m. – Session 2
But Will They Stop Milking Their Cows?
Jim Veneman, photojournalist, BCA immediate past president
How do we get the attention of our audiences? It’s a question that generations of communicators have asked, and the answer is key to effective communications. Within the many possibilities for grabbing the attention of our audiences, veteran communicator Jim Veneman will discuss six proven possibilities.
11:05 a.m. – Session 3
Calling All Cooperative Program Brand Ambassadors!
Chris Forbes, branding and marketing partner, Oklahoma Baptists
Matt Tullos, special assistant to the executive director, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board
The Cooperative Program fuels the great ministries of the SBC like yours and mine! Chris Forbes says it’s time we stop taking the CP for granted and start working smarter and more cooperatively to rejuvenate the CP in the SBC. Matt Tullos joins Chris as they offer practical observations about CP marketing that can help your organization, even if you don’t receive CP dollars, and provide tangible examples you can put to use immediately.
11:30 a.m. – Session 4
5 Reasons You Should Use Digital Marketing
Brian Harris, partner and general manager, Dogwood Media Solutions
Erin Roberts, digital media specialist, Dogwood Media Solutions
Digital marketing is generally more affordable than other forms of advertising and is often the most effective way to reach your audience. It’s also a great way to expand your audience and brand awareness. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a novice on the topic, you’ll leave this session with valuable information from Brian Harris and Erin Roberts about how to maximize the effectiveness of your organization’s digital marketing efforts.
11:55 a.m. – Session 5
Lessons Learned from a Career of Storytelling
Ty Wood, video producer and BCA Lifetime Member
Ten years into his retirement, following 28 years as media specialist for the Florida Baptist Convention, Ty Wood continues to use the skills he honed as a video storyteller. In this session, Ty reveals five lessons learned from his career and also reflects on the value of BCA to his life. Ty’s observations will encourage every BCA member who tunes in.
12:20 p.m. – Closing Remarks, Doug Rogers